FREE GEEK PUBLIC DONATION HOURS: WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY | 11AM - 4PM. *Our public technology donation will be closed Saturday, 5/18.

Find out about how we helped Nia!

Meet Nia


With the onset of COVID-19, many were left behind due to the digital divide. Nia was one of those people. Because of your donation, Nia can now get her GED. Learn about her experience through her own words below:

"Free Geek's connection with Next has fully supported me in being able to work toward gaining my education. Due to Free Geek only asking questions based around my needs for the computer I feel that they are willing to support any person in bettering themselves through technology. Due to COVID-19 I am unable to attend Next at this time to work on getting my GED. With this computer that Free Geek helped me with, I am able to work on GED practice tests and start having online classes that will allow me to get my GED. I have also participated in taking three practice tests for my GED and without this resource it would impact my ability to move forward with pursuing my GED and furthering my education. 

In addition to taking practice tests on the computer I received from Free Geek, I have also been participating in weekly appointments with my Connections Team members and have had regular contact with my educational advocate and weekly contact with my counselor. I have participated in Creative Community Service projects in my community in the past, volunteering at the Barberton Grange. 

By getting the donated computer it allows me to work on my goal of obtaining my GED remotely during the COVID-19 Pandemic. I am very thankful for the donation of the computer as my family lives on a limited income and didn’t have the financial means to purchase a computer for me at the current time. My long-term goal after I obtain my GED is to own a business in my community. I hope to one day own my own used car business where I would be able to help community members in need. 

Free Geek has allowed me the chance to continue with my GED work during COVID-19 when my school and other community resources such as the community library are close due to the pandemic. Prior to getting the donated computer from Free Geek’s I was attempting to use my cell phone device to work on GED work which was very difficult because of the small screen size.

COVID-19 had affected my life in many ways. My appointments I have with my Connections Team members, Educational Advocate and Counselor are all done remotely for the time being. Many businesses in the community are closed to the public entering them or have limited capacity due to the pandemic. Having the computer that I was able to access from Free Geek’s has allowed me to continue working on my GED remotely and will also assist me in being able to complete online employment applications in the future. Thank you for providing me this opportunity."


Thank you for your help in supporting not only Nia, but the many people in her situation!