If you go by a shortened version of your name or if you're trans and go by a different name, then that is what this is for. Ignore this part if you don't.
To be considered for this position, we need both your cover letter and resume.
One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.
To be considered for this position, we need both your cover letter and resume.
One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.
(Definition: The Digital Divide is the economic, educational, and social inequalities between those who have computers and online access and those who do not.)
Which of our values resonates with you the most? (Please choose one)
We break down the barriers that divide people & communities. We deliver pay equity and invest to enable people to achieve their career goals. We communicate openly and question the way we have done things in the past. We think outside of our biases, seeing abundance in what we can do instead of what we can’t do. We address systemic barriers to full inclusion.
We prioritize voices most impacted by the digital divide. We understand and prioritize communities most affected by the digital divide. We listen to, empower, and prioritize perspectives from marginalized communities. We connect people we serve with resources they want and need.
We prioritize health, safety, community, & environmental impacts. We reuse technology when practical to meet the needs of our community while minimizing environmental impacts. We create sustainable work conditions, living wages, and balanced roles. We will have planned & informed organizational growth based on a clear vision and strategy for mission impact.
We take ownership of our processes, commitments, & impacts. We set reasonable expectations, align actions to values, and follow through. We create programming that is adaptable and flexible to community needs. We maintain industry standards of data security and privacy for the protection of our community. We are committed to a culture of continual growth and learning.
6 + 8 =
Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.
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