Meet Garrett, a recipient from our partnership with SNAP to provide computers to people currently looking for professional development!

Meet Garrett

Garrett holding laptop

Garrett was referred to the STEP program at WorkSource Coos for STEP Support Services by the ODHS Navigator at the end of October. Garrett is Justice Involved and was recently released from prison. He shared with the OHDS Navigator he is motivated to stay out of prison and believes his parole officer will send him back if he can’t find employment. Garrett needed to  find some kind of work to secure a space for his trailer. His short-term employment goal is construction labor and his long-term goal is to become a welder.  

Garrett has construction labor experience and was actively seeking work but having no luck  finding a job on his own. He met with Teri at WorkSource Coos where he completed his iMatchSkills® profile and created an Opportunity Plan. The plan helped Garrett set achievable  goals to obtain his employment objective. Teri helped him develop a new, professional resume  and screened him for two job referrals to local construction employers. Within a week, Garrett started full-time work as a construction laborer earning $16.00 per hour.  

Garret is now enrolled in GED classes beginning in the winter term on January 2, 2021. He plans to work full-time and complete his GED around his work schedule.  

His Free Geek laptop will enable Garrett to work on his GED studies around his work schedule. With the pandemic, very few options are available to access computers. Garrett feels very fortunate to be Coos Bay’s first Free Geek computer recipient, complete with a lockable backpack, headphones and wireless mouse.