Meet Setiva, a recipient from our partnership with SNAP to provide computers to people currently looking for professional development!

Meet Setiva

Meet Setiva

 Setiva is an established and active participant in the STEP program. She is currently working  toward her employment goal of becoming a Parole & Probation Officer.  

In line with this goal, Setiva was accepted into the Reserve Police Academy. However, due to COVID, this has been put on hold. She recently received word that she will be moving forward in the interview process for a records clerk position in the Sheriff’s office. 

In addition, earlier this year Setiva enrolled in the Criminal Justice program at Umpqua Community College and completed two terms and is registered to attend winter term, which is comprised of three online classes. This has recently become an obstacle, as her computer was  damaged and is no longer functioning properly. Currently, while she is working part-time, her income is not enough to cover the cost of both living expenses and a new computer. 

Receiving a functioning computer through the Digital Inclusion Service pilot will enable her to participate in, and complete, her online classes, keeping her moving ever closer, and focused on, her employment goal of becoming a Parole & Probation Officer. 

Congrats Setiva!