Meet Steve, a recipient from our partnership with SNAP to provide computers to people currently looking for professional development!

Meet Steve

Meet Steve

Steve was recently referred to WorkSource Coos by his counselor at ODHS Vocational  Rehabilitation. He is justice involved with very little work history in the past 10 years and managing anxiety and PTSD.  

Steve’s long-term employment goal is to become a Counselor for at-risk youth. He is a first time college student. To help him be successful in school, our partners at Southwestern Oregon Community College (SOCC) helped Steve arrange for a tutor and testing accommodations.  SOCC reached out to WorkSource Coos stating online classes attended from home would help Steve make this transition.  

Thanks to the his new Free Geek laptop, Steve will be able to do that. His classes started in January 2021 with the winter term. The laptop will also make it possible for Steve to search for and apply for work that he can do while going to school. Without the laptop, Steve would have to work around the college’s computer lab schedule (and reduced availability because of COVID).  

Steve is excited to be able to take advantage of the Free Geek digital tech training to help him use the computer and be more confident and comfortable taking online classes.

Congrats Steve!