Meet Cassandra, a recipient from our partnership with SNAP to provide computers to people currently looking for professional development!

Meet Cassandra

Cassandra holding laptop

Cassandra moved to Eugene from Alaska, accompanied only by a small canine companion and looking for a better quality of life. At WorkSource Lane she expressed her frustration at not  understanding the local job market and interviewing culture. She described job hunting in Alaska being more informal and based on conversation rather than specialized resumes and cover letters. She has worked with two STEP programs since October 2019 to learn about computerized job applications, internet job searching and job readiness skills.  

Cassandra has been a resourceful and determined job-seeker, using WorkSource Lane, local libraries and her phone to learn how to job search, write resumes and tailor cover letters. She obtained a “perfect“ job, only to be laid off due to COVID. Since COVID measures, access to computer resources have diminished and when available, time limits have been imposed, sometimes not allowing her to even complete assessments for job applications. Cassandra has continued to work hard using her new skills and staying in contact with her STEP coaches for  support. She has even acted as a motivational speaker for a group of STEP job-seekers.  

Cassandra knows that having her own laptop will help her to get and keep a job, to continue her education, and to improve her writing skills through free online classes. On a personal level, Cassandra appreciates that a laptop will broaden her opportunities to stay connected with various support and educational groups, and help her to feel more a part of the world around  her.