Meet Elda, a recipient from our partnership with SNAP to provide computers to people currently looking for professional development!

Meet Elda

Elda holding computer

Elda Dorado lives in The Dalles and is a single mom with two high school children and one middle school child. She recently became employed and was asked by her employer to obtain her G.E.D within 6 months for her to be able to retain her position. 

Prior to the pandemic, Elda had been attending Spanish G.E.D classes through the Migrant  Program in The Dalles. The classes switched to virtual recently and although Elda has a phone to connect to the classes it is not very efficient. Her phone is a hand me down and she has regular issues with the phone’s camera, which makes it more difficult to have communication with the teacher. 

Elda is a hard working mother and trying to her best to raise her children and support their distance learning as well as trying to obtain her own G.E.D. This laptop will not only help her reach her educational goals but it will also help her family get further in life. By obtaining her G.E.D she will have a stable job moving forward and will no longer need to worry about job or income insecurity.