Meet Janelle, a recipient from our partnership with SNAP to provide computers to people currently looking for professional development!

Meet Janelle

Janelle holding laptop

When Janelle started working with WorkSource Lane she did not have a clear idea of what training or career she wanted to pursue. Her STEP career coach recommended that she meet with STEP coaches at Lane Community College (LCC) to explore the career paths available. Through those conversations, Janelle identified her interest in the LCC Culinary Program and OED STEP was able to assist her in enrolling in prerequisites in the 2020 summer term. Janelle does not have a diploma and had very little computer experience at that time.  

In addition, she did not have a computer of her own and was living in a community setting  where all the residents shared a public computer with time-restricted access. Despite these limitations, Janelle learned how to use a computer, completing and passing all three classes at  the community college. She is highly motivated to be self-supporting and knows that computer skills are essential for most jobs.  

According to Janelle, having her own Free Geek laptop will help her “be smarter” and improve her reading and writing skill, as well as, “googling”, using email, and searching/applying for jobs. Janelle says if she pursues the culinary certificate this fall, it will help her feel more comfortable about going back to school knowing she has her own laptop that she can use at any time.