Gift a Geekbox applications are closed indefinitely.

Due to a shortage of resources, the Gift a Geekbox program is stalled. If you would like to help us provide computers to the current 402 students on our wait list, please donate here.

In the meantime, if it is within your budget to purchase a computer, please refer to our Online Store in order to purchase low-cost devices. If you don’t see anything within your price range in the Online Store, please refer to the information on this webpage to find out more and get in touch with Free Geek’s sales and customer service department.

We thank you for your patience and ongoing support!


27% of Americans do not own a computer. And one out of ten families do not have internet at home. The crisis is growing. Our world is growing more digital every day, and vulnerable populations are being left behind. The digital divide separates Americans along economic lines – from the cost of technology and devices, to which neighborhoods have better broadband access.

In order to meet the growing need of those who aren't currently involved in a 501(c)3 organization or aren't in the K-12 age range but still need a device, we created Gift A Geekbox.




How Gift a Geekbox Helped Borya