Our storefront has been closed on 3/19 in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We hope that you head to our Online Store to find what you may need until our storefront re-opens. With these quick changes currently existing for our organization, it is vital that we receive help from those in our community in order to help those who need digital access at this time.

Free Geek Basics
Free Geek Online

This store is designed to mirror our brick-and-mortar location in SE Portland with essentials such as laptops, desktops, smartphones, peripherals and basic computing accessories. We offer these items at an affordable cost to increase digital access for people wherever they may live.

Remember that when you shop through our online store for computer parts, accessories, and other electronics, you’re supporting a valuable community resource. Every purchase you make from our online stores directly supports our mission.

Our nonprofit has been refurbishing, reusing, and ethically recycling technology for over 17 years. Your support has allowed us to grant over 72,000 computers and other technology items to nonprofits, schools, community impact organizations, volunteers, and vulnerable members of our community.